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PROFESSOR MAJA – Sociologist, Author, TEDx TALK Speaker, Confidence Builder and Apology Hater

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020

Art Gallery of Burlington, 1333 Lakeshore Road (Shoreline Room) | 5:30pm-7:30pm

Drinks and nibbles will be provided!

We are THRILLED to announce that Professor Maja will be our Guest Speaker at the first ABIA workshop in 2020. Professor Maja achieved her Ph.D. in Sociology and is the Author of “Hey Ladies, Stop Apologizing… and other career mistakes women make.” This event is designed to inspire you to be more confident, and stop apologizing … in emails, in conversations, in presentations and even in the grocery store. We will learn how apologies are killing our confidence and what we can do to change this behaviour (like using positive lingo!).

We encourage you to watch a short video excerpt from her TEDx Talk. Join your fellow business owners (and meet some new friends as we’re co-hosting this workshop with our friends from Burlington Downtown!) and please bring your managers or other key members of your staff. Please RSVP as soon as possible to ensure you have a seat, and to ensure we have enough nibbles to go around!

RSVP andrea@organizeonce.com

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