107 Plains Road West, Unit 2

Burlington, ON, L7T 1E8

(905) 333-0399


When do I start brushing my baby’s teeth?

Clean your newborn baby’s teeth after each feeding and before bed.  Start by wiping the mouth out with a cloth and switch to using a toothbrush when the teeth start to erupt (usually around 5-8 months).  Use an infant formulated toothpaste or no paste at all as regular adult toothpaste contains fluoride which can make your child sick if swallowed.  You should begin to use a smear of fluoridated toothpaste when you know your child can reliably spit out (usually around 3 years of age).  Children should brush at least twice daily preferably after breakfast and before bed.


How do cavities start?

Sugar in food/drinks is converted by oral bacteria into acid and the acid acts to cause decay.  Drinking juice throughout the day is a common cause of tooth decay in children.  It is best to keep juice and other sweet foods with meals, and to avoid them in between meals. By continually sipping on juice, there is a prolonged exposure of the teeth to sugar and acid.  The saliva is never given a chance to wash the offenders away.

Water is the only safe thing to consume after nighttime brushing.  Similarly, water is the only liquid that is safe for nighttime bottle use.

Fluoride in our drinking water, toothpaste, and treatments at your dental office, work to strengthen teeth and prevent decay.


When should my child see a dentist?

You should consult with your family dentist within your child’s first year of life. Visiting the office at a young age allows the child to become familiar with the dental office and sets the stage for a lifetime of optimal oral health.
