Meet Melanie from Aldershot Dental Hygiene. Melanie is a community champion, from safeguarding local athletes with custom mouth guards to rallying behind a local food drive or lending support to charitable initiatives, Melanie weaves compassion into every aspect of her work. As Aldershot Dental Hygiene celebrates five years of service, we want to share Melanie’s impact that reaches far beyond her practice.

Join us in celebrating Melanie and Aldershot Dental Hygiene, where each smile tells a story of compassion, care, and community.

Why did you choose Aldershot for your business?

We were really drawn to Aldershot for so many reasons.

When we started researching Burlington, and where we thought we would fit best, Aldershot was the perfect match.

While we found that there were plenty of dental offices to choose from in Aldershot, we wanted to be able to offer a different experience than what you typically get at the dental office. Independent Dental Hygienists generally have more time to spend with you during your appointment and we take pride in teaching you how to take care of your oral health. While we do have an In-house Dentist to take care of any restorative needs that may arise, our primary focus is preventive treatment in hopes to avoid some of those more costly treatments.

Aldershot is also a community that’s clearly on the rise. There’s a noticeable growth in the population with more families and young professionals moving in. This growth not only broadens our potential client base but also enriches the community fabric, creating more vibrant local interactions and opportunities and we wanted to be included.

We’re also very impressed by the supportive business environment here. The local Business Improvement Area has been incredibly welcoming, offering resources and connections that have been essential when we started up 5 years agoand continues to be instrumental as we grow our practice. The sense of community here is unbeatable, and that’s something we really wanted to be a part of.

And, of course, the location itself is fantastic. It’s easily accessible, which is great for our clients. This ease of access, combined with the local community’s spirit and support, really sealed the deal for us.

Choosing Aldershot felt like the perfect decision for us and we’re excited to be a part of this thriving community, committed to enhancing dental health and well-being for everyone here.

What sets you apart from all the rest?

What really sets us apart is our commitment to personalized care. We tailor each treatment to the individual’s needs, ensuring everyone feels valued and understood.

We use the latest technology for effective and comfortable treatments and our team is highly trained; staying up to date with the best practices in dental hygiene.

Furthermore, we’re not just a dental hygiene clinic; we’re active community members, participating in local events and giving back to our community, sometimes on a larger scale, and sometimes on an individual basis.

What is your specialty product or service?

Our specialty lies in our focus on preventative dental care. We emphasize the importance of preventing dental issues before they develop. Additionally, we provide custom mouth guards at cost, making them accessible to everyone. Custom mouth guards offer a superior fit compared to boil-and-bite mouthguards, as they are tailored specifically to the individual’s mouth. This not only ensures better protection helps prevent concussions, but also increases comfort, which is crucial for those who wear them frequently.

What do you love about Aldershot and what is YOUR favorite business to visit in our BIA?

One of the things we love most about Aldershot is its vibrant community and the variety of local businesses that cater to all aspects of life here. It’s hard to pick favorites because there are so many great places, but I’ll mention three that really stand out for us.

First, District Kitchen and Bar never fails to impress with its cozy atmosphere and fantastic menu. Whether it’s for a business lunch or for an after-hours drink, it’s always a top choice for us to relax and enjoy some delicious food.

Next, we really appreciate the Aldershot Foot Clinic here in our BIA. Their commitment to patient care and comfort parallels our own values in dental hygiene, and they play a crucial role in keeping the community healthy and active.

And finally, Nixon’s Martial Arts is a personal favorite. It’s a place not just for physical fitness but also for building discipline and confidence. They do an excellent job of fostering a supportive environment where people of all ages can grow and develop.

What would you like the Aldershot community to know about you and your business?

We want the Aldershot community to know that we’re more than just a dental hygiene office; we’re a team deeply committed to the health and well-being of every individual who walks through our doors. Our practice is built on the foundation of trust, care, and excellence.

We believe in treating our patients like family, ensuring they receive gentle,thorough treatment in a comfortable and friendly environment.

Our goal is to educate and provide the best dental hygiene care possible, empowering our patients to maintain good oral health. We use the latest methods and technologies to not only treat our patients, but also to prevent dental issues before they become serious concerns.

Moreover, we’re eager to be an active part of this community. We participate in local events, support other local businesses, and engage with community initiatives because we believe that building strong community ties enriches us all.

Ultimately, we want everyone in Aldershot to know that they have a reliable and caring Dental Health Provider right here in their neighborhood.

We’re excited to grow with this community and continue to serve its residents with dedication and compassion.

Melanie Bianco ~ Aldershot Dental Hygiene 

384 Plains Rd E, Burlington, ON L7T 0A4 

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