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We are pleased to announce that tickets are now on sale for the 5th Annual ELVIS & FRIENDS Fundraising Concert 7:00 p.m. on Saturday APRIL 22nd at the Polish Hall, 2316 Fairview Street in Burlington.

TICKETS can be purchased by clicking this link, by calling 905.906.1933 or direct from the store on Plains road.

This year we have the best lineup of Tribute Artists we have ever had including John Cigan, Richard Wolfe, Bruno Nesci, Darren Evorglens, Brent Freeman, Jeff Marsh, Sam Calleri and Mason Cigan – also with a special guest appearance by 2016 winner Joey Cundari.

“Elvis & Friends” is a fabulous evening of vibrant live music, fun and dancing – featuring one of Canada’s greatest tribute bands – Rudy and the Angels and with judges Lesley Stewart, Rock ‘N’ ray Michaels, Burt Thombs and Andy Porecki.

Fantastic Silent auction prizes include Toronto Raptors Tickets, Indoor golf for 4, Annual Memberships to Conservation Halton & Canadian Airplane Museum as well as Gift Certificates to outlets such as Gerry Lush Fashions and even a Johnny Carson DVD Set – what more could anyone want?

In 2016 the Compassion Society saw a 19% increase in the number of clients served by our store on Plains Road E. in Burlington. We served over 3,000 people of which 40% were children. In 2016 we collected and distributed 250,000 lbs of food (with a value of $625,000), and 9,000 pieces of clothing. Our great volunteers donated over 10,000 hours of their time and talents. In 2016 we also ran a social worker program to provide emotional support and help get people back towards independence.

Please buy a ticket or even a table of 9 and support the Compassion Society and the work we do – Provide Help to those in need, WHEN IT’S NEEDED, WHERE IT’S NEEDED.

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